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One of my online self massage clients asked me “my period has been fine for years but it’s just gotten out of whack recently, my friend says it could be stress. Is this true and how does it affect my period?”

This is a fantastic question and highlights the issue of stress we all experience. Life has recovered from the post holiday slump, we are starting our spring projects. And everyone seems to be busy, I don’t know about you, but I am certainly feeling a little overwhelmed and dare I say it stressed.

How Stress Affects Us

Stress has such a profound impact on our bodies. I know it sounds silly that an external event can affect us but did you know your body can react to any stressful effect in the various ways:

1. Increase your blood pressure, thickening your blood and increasing your heart rate – this was to enable you to move quickly in response to danger and to clot quickly if you were to bleed.

This can lead to heart palpitations, dizziness headaches and excess strain on the heart over a long period of time.

2. Your digestive system switches off – it is an unnecessary function and in some cases people open their bladder and bowels

This leads to loss of appetite or over-eating as you can’t tell if you are hungry or not, indigestion, irritable tummy or gut and general discomfort after eating.

3. Your body secretes adrenaline and cortisol – to keep you alert and to release sugar reserves

But if don’t use that sugar it becomes fat deposits around the abdomen, the classic “fat around the middle”. It also means that your other hormones, especially oestrogen and progesterone which create the various parts of your cycle, and the result is irregular cycles.

3. Hair and nails become dry, brittle and may fall out

Your body is diverting valuable blood with nutrients and oxygen to the essential organs, so your hair and nails fall out.

4. Your reproductive system “switches off”

It isn’t essential to your survival so your body focusses its energy and blood elsewhere.

What Can You Do About It?

1. Stop and breathe

I was reminded recently myself, when we have so much to do and just go full pelt with everything, we make more mistakes (requiring re-work flushing more time away). So, I have found, the more you feel that you don’t have time to stop and breathe, is the time you need to do it the most.

2. Build time in your day for you

Whether it is an uninterrupted bath, a walk, going to bed early, a nice meal – anything that allows you to relax, and take some time to convalesce.

3. Learn to listen when your body needs rest

I learnt the hard way, if you don’t listen your body will stop you anyway: I once did a very stressful job in finance, the hours were long, the pay was mediocre and the commute a killer.

Within weeks of ignoring my body, I ended up being hospitalised with pneumonia. If I had just acknowledged I needed a break, I would have caught the signs that my body was crying out for attention. If you think you need a break, then you probably do.

4. Learn a technique to help you process what is causing you stress

I love EFT, it is so simple, can be done immediately or within minutes and learnt very quickly too. Other things that can help you include meditation, mindfulness, yoga or even a walk.

If you want to know more about EFT, meditation or mindfulness techniques, then contact me for a session on

I would love to hear from you about how you manage the stress in your life, so feel free to comment in the box below or in The Healthy Womb Facebook Group.

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